
List of authorized insurance companies in Haiti

post 09.03.2015 of VTG news

As part of its mandate, the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) published in a note for the benefit of entrepreneurs, traders, officials of national and international organizations and the general public, the list of insurance companies authorized to carry out operations in the country.

"Only the insurance companies whose names appear below are authorized to conduct insurance business in the country of Haiti, "says the note

"Les Assurances Léger S.A (ALSA) ; 
La Compagnie d’Assurance d’Haïti S.A (CAH) ; 
Alternative Insurance Company (AIC) ; 
Haïti Sécurité Assurance S.A ; 
Internationale Assurance S.A (INASSA) ; 
Nationale d’Assurance S.A (NASSA) ; 
National Western Life Insurance Co. (NWL) ; 
L’Atout Assurance S.A ; 
SogeAssurance S.A ; 
UniAssurance S.A ; 
Onyx Assuranc S.A (captive).


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